Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Mohamed Bin Hammam and his FIFA Presidency Challenge.

AFC President Mohamed Bin Hammam greets Chung Mong-joon
in Seoul, The Honourary chairman of the Korea Football Association.
He is also an out-going FIFA vice-president.

Photo of FIFA president Sepp Blatter with Chung and MBH

Oh dear! Chung gets the...COLD SHOULDER! from
the current FIFA president, Sepp Blatter.

And GUESS WHAT...In POPS a 'VIRGIN' and here he is...

Still image of Prince Ali's promotional video for candidacy of new FIFA vice president

I present to you, his Royal Highness, Prince Ali bin Al Hussein
of Jordan...He who hath replaced, thats right! Chung Mong-joon.
Chung lost his FIFA seat to this football loving Prince at the AFC
Congress back in January, 2011...and here of course is the man who backed

Photo of FIFA president Sepp Blatter and Prince Ali

Oh! thats you, President Blatter. Winky, Wink!

I hope by now, you are all getting my...DRIFT. Who said that it is "All Fair in Love and War" and might I add, All Fair in 'FI FA FOE FUMB'  Land.

Dr Chung "famously questioned Bin Hammam's mental health two years ago at the Asian Football Federation Congress, but seems to now believe and has stated, "We welcome the candidacy of the Asian Football Confederation President, Mohamed Bin Hammam, he is the right man for the job".

...From a 'Dim Wit', to a 'Right Twit' Oh how the FALLEN are NO LONGER MIGHTY...Dr. Pissed Off Chung!...and his bitterness is so ACRID too when he says, "In terms of finances, FIFA is more successful than the International Olympic Committee [IOC] and the president should be admired, beloved and respected...BUT BLATTER IS NOT!" Sounds very much to me like, SOUR GRAPES, Dr. Pissed Off Chung!

The 'Challenge' or the War of Words will most certainly ENTERTAIN the MASSES.

Cheers :-)

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