Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Barcelona Star Xavier Hernández Creus...

                                             Xavier Hernández Creus

In reference to this article from LINK:

"The incidents and mud-slinging that marred last week's Champions League semi-final first leg between Barcelona and Real Madrid were negative for soccer and sport in general, Barca midfielder Xavi says".

I totally agree with him. The scene for this rather messy onfield clash was set in motion before the whistle had been blown for the start of the first leg of the UEFA Champions League semi-final at the Bernabeu, Madrid. I lay culpability firmly at the feet of both managers.

"Mud-slinging" by both managers prior to such an important lead-up of the encounter most certainly would have impacted upon their teams.

                                                              Jose Mouriinho
                                                        Jocep 'Pep' Guardiola

UEFA has rejected both the protests lodged by Real Madrid CF and the complaint made by FC Barcelona following the UEFA Champions League semi-final first leg. LINK:

An apology should be forthcoming from both camps, to ALL, from both managers.

As we ALL know now, Jocep Guardiola's team booked their place at Wembley on 28 May after Pedro Rodríguez's second-half goal helped see off a spirited Madrid side. After the carryings on...To me it is but a "BITTER SWEET VICTORY'.


Jocep Guardiola's statement, "I'm not sure who we will face but I imagine it will be Manchester United. I think Sir Alex Ferguson is always there, in the Champions League or Premier League, competing for titles. It would be an honour for me, a young coach, to reach the final against him".


Espero que el Manchester United venç Shalke i després TIRS DE BARCELONA i Sir Alex Ferguson botes Jocep Guardiola pel cul!

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