Friday, October 28, 2011


Manchester United's Carrington training ground

Manchester United's Carrington training ground.

 Manchester United believe that being a responsible football club means being part of their community in the widest sense. They know that their performance as an internationally recognised institution will be measured not only by their success on the field of play or their profitability as a business, [excluding GLAZERS] but also by their impact on the quality of life in their communities and on the environment they share.

This commitment is explained in United's Environmental Policy Statement through which the Club has outlined management responsibilities and promoted employee involvement to achieve their aim of minimising environmental impacts and ensuring legal compliance. Through this statement United will continue to strive to avoid polluting the land; air or water and we will take all reasonable steps to prevent pollution at its source. Hazardous processes or materials will be avoided where suitable alternatives are available and they will aim to conserve natural resources by minimising the use of non-renewable materials, by recycling materials, by minimising energy use, and by using recycled products and packaging. Waste minimisation, recycling and renewable energy opportunities will be sought and we will ensure that refurbishment schemes and new constructions meet appropriate environmental standards.

New Sale FC Gym at Carrington

Gym at Carrington

Detailed environmental objectives and targets have been set with the aim of achieving continual improvement in our performance. The focus on the 2009/2010 environmental performance year has been to maintain and reduce energy consumption, secure certification to the Carbon Trust Standard and maintaining waste management services. This includes achieving 100% diversion from landfill, measurement of carbon emissions, and the commissioning of technical feasibility reports into biomass and wind generation at Carrington. Manchester United‟s Energy & Carbon Challenge has been to "save 10% of our energy and water use within twelve months" and a process has been in place to complete full carbon mapping for the football club, including: supply chain, transport services, and infrastructure. The Carbon Trust Standard has been awarded as part of the Club‟s environmental objectives to reduce its carbon footprint, with the target of completing Level 1 achieved in September 2009, completion of Level 2 is currently underway. Continued management and investment has secured a 10% reduction in electricity and an overall 7% decrease in gas emissions has been achieved which equates to 700,000 tonnes. Financial savings total £115,000.

Ultracapacitor Energy Carbons

It is Manchester United‟s aim that no Residual Waste is sent to landfill disposal and the Club‟s waste has reverted to the Bolton Waste to Energy (WtE) Outlet. Our key performance target is to reduce as a percentage the total waste produced, and as a result we have seen a decrease in waste generation to 980.93 tonnes from just over 1000 tonnes. Reducing material on site ultimately becoming waste has been an important priority for 2010/2011 and this will become part of a sustainable procurement programme. The Club has already seen improvements in the combined metal cans and plastic tonnage and the recovery of glass and cardboard.

The international recycling symbol.
The international recycling symbol.

It has been confirmed that Manchester United has fulfilled the recovery and recycling obligations for the period January – December 2009 and the Club has received the Valpak compliance certificate for 2009 as required by the Producer Responsibility (Packaging Waste) Regulations 2007. The total cost of waste management, including infrastructure, removal and recycling costs/credits and PRO compliance is now the focus of attention. The Club is also reducing water usage and cost with small projects so far undertaken that minimises potable water consumption where water is captured and recycled. Careful appreciation of water consumption and measurement will be reviewed for the future.

The Club‟s reputation as an environmentally pro-active company and venue is growing and it is important for it to ensure an appropriate corporate responsibility communications programme is in place in order to fulfil requirements of both the ISO14001 and BS8901 Standards. A Corporate Responsibility Communications Group has been appointed, as have employee Energy Ambassadors with the objective to also appoint Environment Ambassadors. Staff views and suggestions have been sought on how to meet energy saving goals via Departmental Energy Champions who have distributed „United to Save Energy‟ questionnaires for employee participation. For a sustainable future, Manchester United is also in the process of implementing staff training, this includes: staff environment awareness training and an environment awareness scheme for the younger player curriculum. The involvement of supporters in reducing litter and increasing recycling has also been successful, with information and new signage on recycling and public transport freely available for fans ready to do their bit for improved environmental performance.

Manchester United will identify and understand the effects that its activities have on the environment, society and the economy, within the Club and the wider environment. Measures are being put into place to minimise negative effects and all refurbishment and construction projects are reviewed with environmental impacts reduced. The Club works with suppliers to produce environmentally sound projects and this includes the recent refurbishment of the stadium boxes which has resulted in a significant improvement in environmental integrity and energy efficiency, as well as the introduction of sustainable construction principles and guidelines integrated into the Carrington re-development project. Colonisation of Carrington‟s large nature reserve area has seen the monitoring of heather and health flora, along with the building of new footpaths and the Club is working with Cheshire Wildlife Trust to provide educational facilities for local school children in order to begin to re-create a valuable environmental asset.

Manchester United's Carrington training centre

Manchester United's Carrington Moss training centre

The site of Manchester United’s training centre at Carrington is situated on remnant mossland, drained in Victorian times to provide farmland close to the expanding city of Manchester. The Trust manages a nature reserve within the site at Carrington which includes a peat scrape heathland and scrub providing habitat for a number of species including Red Admiral butterfly, Meadow Pipit and Grey Partridge.

Manchester United takes its corporate social and environmental responsibilities very seriously, and the support it provides to Cheshire Wildlife Trust sits very comfortably with a wide range of other measures that the club has initiated, such as recycling of cardboard boxes, glass bottles and water. All these actions successfully demonstrate to the club’s shareholders a responsible management attitude towards the environment.

The Club is in the process of implementing strategies to ensure that the business operates in a more sustainable way and meets the requirements of The BS8901 British Standard Sustainability Management System for events. Our objective to minimise environmental risk from contractor operations has seen the Club ensure that procedures are maintained as part of our environmental targets and this has resulted in zero incidents and zero breach of legislation. We are currently working with local suppliers to identify reductions in waste at source of 10% and from a total on-site waste of 980 tonnes, 710 tonnes of waste has been recovered and 270 tonnes of waste has been recycled or reused. The Club continues to develop plans to improve the environmental performance of our suppliers and contractors where appropriate and we also continuously look for opportunities to promote environmental best practice with our commercial partners.

Manchester United commits itself to the health and safety of its employees, customers, contractors and the public at large. This is outlined in the Group Health and Safety Policy in which the Club aims to promote a positive safety culture, fostered by the active leadership of all senior management. The Club is continuously developing the BS 18001 Occupational Health and Safety Management Standard and System and is committed to effective systems, performance, monitoring and target setting in the management of our Health and Safety Performance. To implement this, we ensure open and effective communication mechanisms within the company and appropriate external bodies and make available company information relevant to health and safety to employees, customers, the public and statutory authorities. The Manchester United Group Health & Safety Policy is available on line.


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