The FIFA Congress, the most-critical organ of football's international governing body, normally meets every two years.
However, since 1998, this gathering of the worldwide football family has taken place annually in an extraordinary meeting. The introduction of annual meetings allows the parliament of football to influence decisions on an ever-growing number of issues.
The Congress makes decisions relating to FIFA's governing statutes and the method by which they are implemented and applied. It also approves the annual report, decides on the acceptance of new national associations and holds elections, most notably for the FIFA presidency.
In the spirit of true democracy, each national association has one vote, regardless of its size or footballing strength.
The FIFA Statutes - football's constitution
The statutes and the regulations governing their application represent the "constitution" of FIFA and world football. These documents and the key values of authenticity, integrity, performance and unity underpin FIFA's mission: to develop the game, touch the world and build a better future.
According to the Statutes, FIFA's objectives are as follows:
- to improve the game of football constantly and promote it globally
- to organise its own international competitions
- to draw up regulations and provisions and ensure their enforcement
- to control every type of association football
- to safeguard the integrity of matches and competitions and prevent abuse
FIFA also vigorously combats racism or discrimination of any kind, promotes friendly relations between every person and organisation involved in the game and obliges them to observe the Statutes, regulations and principles of fair play. FIFA also provides the necessary institutional means to resolve disputes. The Regulations Governing the Application of the Statutes and the Standing Orders of the Congress are an integral part of the Statutes.
The FIFA Congress - football's parliament
According to the statutes, the FIFA Congress is the organisation's supreme body. Numerous articles dictate which items are to be discussed and which decisions are to be passed at this forum. As the legislative body of world football - football's parliament in other words - the Congress bears a particular responsibility for developing the game, the nature of which has been subject to increasingly rapid change over the past few years. Each member has one vote at the Congress.
What decisions may the Congress take?
The Congress...
- decides whether to admit, suspend or expel a member
- the location of FIFA headquarters (in Zurich since 1932)
- may award the title of honorary president, honorary vice-president or honorary member
- is responsible for amending the Statutes, the Regulations Governing the Application of the Statutes and the Standing Orders of the Congress
- may remove a FIFA Executive Committee member from office
- approves the balance sheet and income statement
- approves the Activity Report
- elects the president every four years
The FIFA President has an important function during the Congress: he presides over it and ensures that the debates are properly conducted. After the Congress, he is then responsible for ensuring that the decisions passed are implemented.
Who may vote?
Article 23 of the FIFA Statutes:
The 208 association members make up the 'CONGRESS'

Together, the association members make up the Congress, FIFA's supreme and legislative body. Now boasting 208 members, it had just seven in 1904.
With 208 associations affiliated to FIFA today, world football's governing body has rightly been dubbed the "United Nations of Football ". Between 1975 and 2002 alone, more than 60 associations were accepted as members.
FIFA supports the associations financially and logistically through various programmes and grants them a number of attractive rights and privileges. But they also have obligations. As representatives of FIFA in their countries, they must respect the statutes, aims and ideals of football's governing body and promote and manage our sport accordingly.

The Confederations are the umbrella organisations of the national football associations on each continent.
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